My Projects

Varsity Stats

A full-stack app to keep track of high school basketball players stats.

  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • C#
Project 1

Currency Converter

A page that loads and shows the current currency conversion rates using USD as the base currency.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Hooks
  • HTML
Project 1


A simple calculator that allows the user to add, multiply, subtract, and divide two numbers.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
Project 1

Party Like it's 1989

A small webpage that showcases popular movies of 1989. This app uses an API to fetch the data and render it on the page.

  • React
  • API
  • CSS
Project 3


About Me

I am a recent graduate from a bootcamp, Suncoast Developers Guild, based out of St. Petersburg, FL. I have the knowledge of React, JavaScript, C#, SQL, HTML and CSS. I am excited to begin my web development journey!

My Resume